Based on the annual review of the i3 Early Intervention and Special Education content and feedback from users, revisions i3 were made on July 1, 2021. The July 2021 update includes the revision and addition of content and additional resources.

Part B: Special Education Updates

  • Consents (Page: Special Education, Procedural Safeguards, Consents)
    • Informed and Written Consent – clarification of content 
    • Consent/Notice for Full Individual Initial Evaluation – clarification that the current form includes both consent and written notice 
    • Consent to/Notice of Reevaluation – clarification that the current form includes both consent and written notice 
    • Medicaid Consent/Refusal forms for AEA and LEA – addition of the telehealth statement on all Medicaid forms 
  • Prior Written Notice (Page: Special Education, Procedural Safeguards, PWN
    • Clarification of the Consent for FIIE and Consent for/Notice of Reevaluation includes the required PWN information; however, the Consent of Initial Services does not

Part C: Early Intervention/Early ACCESS Updates


General Edits

  • Special Education: The work has begun to start replacing “student/s, child/ren, and individuals” with “learner/s”
  • Per updates to Iowa Administrative Code, shifting to person-first language and removing the capitalization of “braille” 
  • Corrections to spacing and formatting issues
  • An additional level of dropdowns have been added to the top navigation bar